5 Tips on Managing Finances That Will Make You Never Feel Out of Money

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Most people will usually spend the money that is produced spreefully at the beginning of the month, and start saving at the end of the month.

 At the end of the month, spending will try to be very economical because the salary money received may have been used up at the end of the month.

 Have you experienced the same thing?  If so, surely that is very uncomfortable right?  You have to wait until the beginning of the month if you want to do something because you don't have any more money.

 Surely, you certainly don't want to constantly feel this way.  Well, to avoid this happening, here are 5 tips that will make you never feel run out of money:

 1. Make a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Budget That Will Give Limitations on Your Spending

 Make a Budget for Various Financial Needs

 Although this seems simple to do, in reality there are not many people who really make a budget to manage their finances better.

 Try to apply this to manage the budget you spend.  An example is if you have a salary of $ 6 million, and you want to save $2 million every month, then you can use another $ 4 million to meet living expenses, such as:

 One month meal fee: 1 million
 Internet credit fee: 100 thousand

 Daily necessities (toothpaste, facial soap, and other necessities): 300 thousand

 Gasoline: 300 thousand
 Emergency money:  300 thousand
 Pay installments:  2 million

 If it has been broken down like this, surely it's easier not to regulate the flow of your money?

 2. Save on Food

 In the middle of the metropolitan city today, there are many restaurants that are very tempting to visit.

 Whatever you want to eat, almost instantly can be found, ranging from Western-style food, Asian, even though typical Indonesian food.

 However, of course the food you eat at the restaurant will quickly drain excess bag.

If you do not want to run out of money when the old date, try to control yourself in choosing foods to eat.

 This doesn't mean you can't eat at a restaurant!  Remember, you can still enjoy the food in the restaurant, it's just that you have to adjust its intensity if you really feel that the money you have wants to be proportioned to more important things in the future.

 3. Take advantage of Every Discount and Existing Promo

 In the midst of rapid business development at this time, everyone is competing to open a business.

 All businesses are competing to provide promos that can attract even more customers.

Well, you as a consumer can smartly and wisely take advantage of the opportunities that exist.

 Take advantage of every discount provided by various types of products.

To find out what products are currently in the discount program, you can download several applications such as groupon, dealoka, or other similar applications.

 4. Avoid Excessive Shopping

 If you don't want to be sad when the old date starts coming, try to control yourself not to shop excessively when receiving a salary at the beginning of the month.

 Prioritize the needs and desires.  If what you buy is just to fulfill your desire, then don't do it.

 Throwing money away to buy something that isn't really needed is not a wise thing you can do.

 There is a saying that "If you waste money on things that are not needed, then you will sell the things you need in the future.

"Be wise in shopping if you don't want to run out of money at the end of the month.

 5. Look for additional income to increase financial coffers

 If you want to enjoy life, and don't want to feel distressed because you have to downsize then another way you can do is to look for additional income.

 The greater the income you get, the more money you can enjoy in meeting living expenses.

 To find additional income, there are usually several ways you can do, starting from finding additional work, opening a business, selling online, and investing.

 Yes, by investing you will indirectly get an additional income!  For example:

 With an initial capital starting from $ 10000, you can get an effective return on interest starting from 18% per year.

 The more routine you invest, the greater the effective interest you will receive, especially if you reinvest the returns you get.

 In this case, you will indirectly get passive income every month.  Through the investment results obtained, of course you do not need to be afraid anymore for the financial crisis that usually comes in the old date.

Remember, even if you are young, an old date does not mean you have to live in misery!

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